Thursday, March 06, 2008

Okay, Ms. Theo ...

Very blurry, but it gives you the general idea. This is the end of my presentation ... no need to post the earlier part, in which I had to actually -- with a straight face -- make arguments such as "Unequal justice does not mean we should stop justice -- more white people need to be executed, not fewer minorities." And, "It is dehumanizing to treat a person as a patient to be cured. To punish is to treat the person with respect as someone who knows better and should be held accountable."

Capital Punishment and the Bible


Stephanie said...

Dude, that's awesome. I especially like the design of the last slide. That's really powerful.

Cindy said...

as the kids say...


Man, when I was in seminary, we were all excited that we had these typing box things on our desks that allowed us to delete words right in the middle of a paragraph! ...and we could move whole paragraphs to a different place in the document! ...and there were, like, 6 different fonts to chose from!

As for presentations, there was like, um, the time I made a poster with hand drawn cartoon pictures of two NT scholars in boxing gloves as a visual aid in a study group.

I guess I could show that off on youtube...

yea, maybe not.

Earthbound Spirit said...

Very cool. And even cooler that you are at a seminary that has up-to-date equipment!