Monday, July 23, 2007



Just got a call from The Husband, at the emergency vet. We don't know, big picture, what is wrong with our Molly. But according to the vet, she was extremely, EXTREMELY dehydrated.

a) we took her to a regular vet who was recommended (e.g. we did our homework)
b) we explained to the vet why we were boarding her (and paying for) for the weekend
c) we were assured that she would get tender loving care, as well as time to walk around.

For a cat to get extremely dehydrated at home is one thing. But at the vet's???

I realize I am not entirely objective right now, but I feel like -- WTF??? We PAID for the vet to kill her?

Anyone who has been around medicine knows that dehydration, in and of itself, is not a big deal to treat. Stick in an iv.

Really? They didn't notice?

So ... right now ...

They are doing blood tests to try and see what's up. If it looks like there's a chance this is something she can pull through, we're going to be paying ungodly amounts of money (since it's kitty ER) to have her rehydrated.

Given what we were going through a year ago, maybe it seems crazy that I'm so upset by this. Hey, I understand. Pets die.

But this ... just seems so needless. So careless.

It is 3 minutes after midnight. I am furious.

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