Thursday, April 27, 2006

Little Warrior in Camouflage

Little Warrior is scheduled for a CT scan on May 25, the day after her first birthday.

I feel on the verge of bursting into tears.

There is no logical reason for this. The CT scan is a normal step, and hopefully it will give us good news. No cancer to be seen.

But just the thought that it could show something scary ...

Do cancer parents get PTSD? I suddenly have a vision of myself in the supermarket ... I walk past the lobster tank and the sound from it is so like the ubiquitous fish tanks they have all through the hospital that suddenly ...

I AM IN THE JUNGLE!!! RAT-A-TAT-A-TAT!!! We see Lizard Eater, covered in camo clothes and makeup, running through the Vietnam brush, Little Warrior (in camo makeup and a camo onesie) strapped to her chest, Rambo-style.

CHEMO-CALYPSE NOW. Coming soon to a theatre near you.


  1. Yes, cancer parents and cancer patients old enough to remember get PTS symptoms. PTSS. Not necessarily PTSD: It's not a disorder unless it is disabling your life. Sounds like this is just uncomfortable. Yeah. It is. For several years. Be gentle on yourself. This, too will pass.

    That prayer thing may be more complicated than you think...

    I keep you both in my prayers

  2. Thanks, Rev. And I agree with you about prayer. I'm sure I'll be posting more on that topic as I try and shake out some of the smoothie that is my brain on cancer.

  3. Little Warrior in cammo ... I thought, that TOTALLY sounds like something they'd sell at Cabela's (Motto: "We love dead animals"), so I looked it up. Check it out:

    Wow, that's a long link. I hope it works.

    Anyway, Little Warrior is exactly one week younger than my own WCB. Imagine WCB giving LW a virtual gentle pat (or, more likely, a virtal enthusiastic pat) and wishing her a happy birthday and a good scan.

  4. OK, it doesn't look like my link works, but it's a photo of a baby in cammo overalls. Fun! :)
