And it's been a while.
I went down to my trusty Y. We were having good weather, so rather than the labyrinth of the indoor track, I headed down to the pond. From the freeway that goes past it, frankly, it looks like a path around a drainage ditch. But things are not always as they appear from above.

While I was sitting there, this big, cool, honeysuckle-scented gust of wind hit me straight in the face.
You can't buy gifts like that. You can only receive them.

When I went to my candidate career assessment last November (one of many expensive requirements of pursuing UU ministry), the person I saw talked to me about where I have been replenished. And she urged me to find a local version of such.
I had plans to go up to this town or down to that park, searching for that place with nature, with water, where I could take my soul for a walk.
What do you know, it was located where I already went. All I had to do was go outside, around a corner, and down a slope.

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