Thursday, December 01, 2005

Walking the ministering walk

Our congregation doesn't currently have a minister, so I've been asked to do some ministerial type things this year. Most, I felt to be a stretch for me, but stretching is good. Most recently I did my first memorial service and my second baby dedication.

The memorial service, which, for obvious reasons, stressed me out -- this sounds like a weird thing to say about a memorial, but it went really well. I was very surprised that while I was in the pulpit, I had no urge to cry. Of course, the lady whom I was memorializing was highly strong, very dignified -- I could almost hear her saying, "No, of COURSE you aren't going to cry. Strong women don't cry! And you have a job to do. Buck up!"

Now, as soon as I left the sanctuary and a crying parishioner came up to me, the tears flowed. But that's okay. I have it on good authority that seminarians are allowed to be human. Of course, once I'm ordained, that's revoked. Ha.

The dedication was quite enjoyable. All baby dedications are, but in a way, this was my first. The actual first one was when I had to step in for a minister who couldn't attend as planned, so I was using her words and script. For this one, it was crafted between myself and the family. And the baby and her brother were adorable. Hmm. I need to get a minister or seminary student to come by our church so *my* baby can be dedicated.

Got our holiday cards out the Friday after Thanksgiving, which is insane. But, we just moved, and figured ours better be the first, if we wanted to get our new address on everyone's list. "Everyone's going to hate us," said The Husband. "No," sez I, "they'll realize it's because we moved." "Nope. They'll just hate us," responded Hub.

So, my best friend calls me up. "You suck," she informs me.

Score one for the cynic.

1 comment:

Robin Edgar said...

You're not too badly in the cynicism department yourself. I really thought you hit the proverbial nail on the head when you said -

I have it on good authority that seminarians are allowed to be human. Of course, once I'm ordained, that's revoked. Ha.

I know at least several ordained UU clergy, including some top UUA officials, who have behaved in an rather inhuman manner towards me or other people. Ironically it is the inhuman behavior of certain UUs I know that inspired me to come up with the following not so bon mot -

Regrettably it is all too human to be inhuman. . .

Allah prochaine,

Robin Edgar